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How To Use Essential
Oils Around Your House

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December 12, 2016

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It seems like everyone is talking about essential oils these days. And while you may know how to use these natural products for skin care or nutrition, did you know they can also be used for cleaning?

Most conventional cleaners and disinfectants contain harsh and potentially harmful chemicals, as well as synthetic fragrances that can negatively affect your health. But when you use essential oils for cleaning and disinfecting, you can count on safe, natural products to get the job done right.

Essential oils, like lavender and tea tree oil, are the natural aromatic compounds found in bark, stems, seeds, and other parts of plants. These oils have the power to eliminate odors, remove tough stains, and even control household pests. When you buy essential oils, check for botanical names and only purchase 100 percent pure essential oils. Look for essential oils in amber or other dark-colored glass bottles that protect the oils from light exposure to help keep them fresh longer.

Essential Oils for Cleaning and Disinfecting

From the refreshing aroma of lemons to the invigorating scent of peppermint, learning how to use essential oils for a clean, great smelling home is easy. Here are some of the most popular essential oils you can put to work in your home:

Sweet Orange Oil

Orange oil is a natural antifungal and antibacterial product you can also use as an antiseptic and household cleaner.

  • Use sweet orange oil mixed with Castile soap and water to spray stove tops and counters to break down greasy residue. Follow up with a clean damp cloth and you’re done.
  • For hard surface floors, a few drops of orange oil and dish soap and a cup of distilled white vinegar in a gallon of hot water creates a natural floor cleaner that removes buildup and dirt.

Lemon Oil

You can think of lemons as a sort of magical fruit. From eliminating smells to disinfecting countertops, a few squirts of this natural oil packs a punch.

  • Use lemon essential oil to increase the shelf life of fresh fruit. Simply add a few drops to a bowl of cool water and swirl clean fruit in it for a few seconds.
  • Lemon oil can also be used to remove gum, adhesive, crayon and permanent marker from most surfaces.
  • Use lemon oil as a natural disinfectant. Soak your dishcloth in warm water and add a few drops of essential oil to clean and disinfect your countertops naturally.
  • To deodorize your refrigerator, mix a few drops of lemon oil with a cup of baking soda in a bowl and put it on a middle shelf. Odors will fade away, leaving you with a fresh smelling fridge.


Lavender is well known for its soft, sweet smell. But that sweetness doesn’t extend to bugs and pests.

  • Use lavender oil as an all-purpose cleaner when you mix it with vinegar and Castile soap. Just add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and two tablespoons each of soap and vinegar and spray away.
  • Lavender essential oil can also be used as a natural pest control solution. Fill a spray bottle with two cups of purified water and 25 drops of lavender and spray around your home to keep flies and other bugs away.


Peppermint has far more uses than spicing up your grande mocha around the holidays. This minty oil is a natural disinfectant and antifungal, as well as a deterrent to pests.

  • Add two or three drops of peppermint essential oil to equal parts water and white vinegar for a safe and natural cleaner. You can use it on nonporous surfaces like counters, drawer handles, and more to clean and disinfect.
  • To prevent pests, fill a spray bottle with purified water and 15 drops of peppermint essential oil and spray where spiders and critters tend to enter your house.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca, is quite the oil. In fact, it contains over 90 different compounds that make it the perfect essential oil for disinfecting. Wow, who knew?!

  • A drop of Melaleuca and a cup of white vinegar poured into your washing machine will not only soften clothes but also serve as a natural antimicrobial.
  • For a safe and effective shower cleaner, mix two cups of white vinegar, two teaspoons of dish soap, and 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Use your cleaning solution daily to keep your shower fresh, clean, and mildew resistant.
  • Tea tree oil also makes a potent multi-purpose cleaner. Mix a half cup of vinegar, three cups of water, and 10 drops of oil in a spray bottle for a cleaner and disinfectant that won’t leave residue.

You don’t have to listen to us when it comes to which essential oils for cleaning to use. Maybe you love clove oil best or only use Frankincense essential oil around the house. Simply pick your favorites and see fresh results in your home.

  • Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your vacuum cleaner bag or dust container. The vacuum motor will diffuse it around your home as you clean.
  • Use this same idea with your home air filter. Think of it as a sort of essential oil diffuser for a whole house freshening.

Essential oils can help make your house feel and smell better, but when you need a whole-house deep cleaning, call The Maids. Whether you need some help around the holidays or want to enjoy a cleaner home more often, we’re here when you need us. Get your free estimate today. Learn more about what we can do to keep your home at its best.

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