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How to Clean Shower Curtain
to Get Rid of Mold

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August 25, 2020

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Your bathroom is the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Limited ventilation, high moisture levels and the right temps can promote the growth of mold on bath toys, shower curtains, liners and just about anywhere else in your bathroom.

When the conditions are right, mold can appear quickly—sometimes within 24-48 hours. When you first see tiny black spots on the bathroom tile, walls and shower curtain, you already have a problem. But be aware that mold can be other colors. Mold may be pink, red or green—no matter the color, it’s got to go.

Mold on a shower curtain is unsightly and disgusting. It can be embarrassing when you have visitors because it makes your bathroom seem dirty and unpleasant. But mold presents bigger concerns. If it’s not removed, mold will grow and spread, contributing to respiratory illnesses and aggravating asthma and allergies.

How to Wash a Shower Curtain Using Natural Ingredients

Commercial mold removal products are widely available, but many of them contain harsh chemicals that could be as harmful as the mold itself. Common household supplies like hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are natural and effective mold removers. Use these and a little elbow grease to get rid of mold on your shower curtain.

  • Remove the shower curtain from the rod and fold the moldy areas inward to keep from spreading any spores or mold around your home.
  • Grab some hydrogen peroxide, water and a scrub brush and head outside.
  • Lay the shower curtain down on a flat surface and spray a solution of two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part water onto the fabric.
  • Allow the hydrogen peroxide to sit for five to ten minutes. Thoroughly rinse.
  • Make a paste of either equal parts baking soda and water and scrub the mold from the shower curtain. Rinse and repeat if necessary.
  • Flip the shower curtain and repeat.
  • Hang the shower curtain from a clothesline to dry.

How to Clean a Shower Curtain Inside

If cleaning your shower curtain outside isn’t practical, you can still get mold off your shower curtain by treating it inside. You will use the same cleaning ingredients from above, but play it safe and make sure you have plenty of ventilation.

  • Remove the shower curtain and lay it in the tub.
  • Spray a solution of two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part water onto the shower curtain.
  • Let the hydrogen peroxide sit for five to ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Use a baking soda paste and scrub the mold until it’s gone. Rinse and repeat as needed. Since your shower curtain isn’t laying flat, pay attention to the creases along the folds and seams.
  • Flip the shower curtain and repeat.
  • Hang the shower curtain from the curtain rod and let it dry.

Washing a Shower Curtain in the Washer

Most shower curtains and liners can be machine washed to remove soap scum, buildup and mold. While washing your shower curtain in the washer is quick and easy, you still may have to do some spot scrubbing to remove all the mold.

  • Remove the rings and shower curtain from the rod and fold inward into halves or quarters to keep mold spores from spreading around your home.
  • Place your shower curtain or liner into the washer with a few towels to protect them from the washing cycle
  • Add ½ cup of baking soda with your laundry detergent and run the washer.
  • Wash shower curtains and liners on the lowest gentle setting and remove them prior to the spin cycle and allow them to drip dry.

How to Prevent Mold on a Shower Curtain

The best way to prevent mold is changing the conditions that promote mold growth. This means removing moisture from the air, keeping shower curtains clean and avoiding leaks and standing water. Make these mold prevention steps part of your cleaning checklist and you may never have to remove mold again!

  • Run the exhaust vent during your shower or bath and leave it on for at least 30 minutes after you’re done.
  • Running the exhaust fan is the single best way to reduce moisture throughout your bathroom.
  • Squeegee your tub or shower walls right after use to reduce the moisture in the room. It only takes a minute and it immediately minimizes moisture.
  • Fix leaks as soon as you spot them. Constant leaking and pooling water allow mold to grow and spread quickly.
  • Wash your bath mats and towels regularly. Avoid letting them lie around the bathroom when wet. Dirty, damp fabrics are ideal conditions to promote mold growth and can create unpleasant odors.
  • Remove loofahs, sponges and bath products from the shower when you’re not using them. Without clutter in your shower, mold has fewer places to hide and grow.

Whether it’s mold prevention or mold cleanup, The Maids can help you keep your home healthy and clean. From the kitchen over the bedroom to the bathroom and beyond, we’ve got you covered.

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