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Get Ahead on Your
Late Summer Cleaning

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July 14, 2021

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We’re all enjoying sunny days and the lazy evenings of the summertime. Soon though, the long days of summer will start winding down and we’ll have to get ready for fall and winter once again. The start of school is right around the corner, and soon the whole family will be back into the hustle and day-to-day grind. If you’re not prepared for it, it could lead to additional stress.  

If you never quite got around to all your spring cleaning projects, the prospect of late summer cleaning chores can be stressful too. So start early. With the right approach and a little help from The Maids, you can wrap up your summer and wind down without stressing out. Here’s a summer cleaning checklist to get you started.

Clean Outdoors Before the Cold Weather Hits

Because there’s still some warm weather around, late summer is the perfect time to take care of outdoor cleaning projects before it’s too cold. Think of all the things you can do outside while it’s still nice enough to do it. Don’t wait for fall to hit, or those projects will succumb to other projects like raking leaves and decorating for holidays.

Scrub your grill and make sure it’s ready for storage. Wash your home’s exterior and patio using a spray nozzle or a pressure washer. Wash outside windows and screens. Pick up excess toys or pet messes from the yard. Wash your car, inside and out.

Whether you keep your summer and pool toys in the attic, garage, or shed, make sure to use containers with lids to keep out dirt, dust and moisture. The more you can do to eliminate extra stress this fall and winter, the better.

Summer Home Maintenance Helps You Prepare for Winter

Summertime cleaning gets your home fresh and clean, but there’s more to getting your home ready for winter. You’ll want to be sure to winterize your home with a few basic tasks so you stay cozy all winter long. 

While you’re cleaning those windows outside, check for cracks, gaps, and other spaces where warm air could escape and cold air could get in. Check the seals where windows and doors contact the frames for worn or damaged seals. Seal up any gaps and replace any worn-out seals.

Clean out the gutters before the leaves fall. Check the gutters for any leaking spots or places that could cause issues. Seal any cracks or holes with a flexible sealing product. Now is also a good time to check your siding for any holes or places where critters might shack up for the winter.

Clear the Air Before You Close Up For Winter

In the summertime, most of us keep the windows closed and the air conditioner cranked up. Dirt, dust, pollen and other pollutants have accumulated over the summer and are ready to wreak havoc with asthma and allergy sufferers. The end of summer is the perfect time to get rid of all those allergens before settling in for fall and winter. 

Clean your ceiling fans. Ceiling fans accumulate a lot of dust and residue throughout the summer and a little bit of it gets into the air you breathe with every turn. Vacuum the housing above the blades to get rid of the built-up dust. USe an old pillowcase to clean the blades or simply wash them with soap and water. Be careful not to get the housing area wet.

Change your HVAC filter inside the house and get your system checked. Those new air filters will help keep dust, pollen, and other allergens from passing through into your home and allow your heating and cooling system to run more efficiently.

Last But Not Least, Summer Clean Your House

While you already have plenty of items on your checklist, here are some “must-cleans” for a fresher, healthier home.

  • Bathrooms and kitchens: Focus on areas and items that don’t get a regular cleaning like shower curtains, behind the toilet, inside cabinets, and behind the fridge. It’s also a good time to clean out junk drawers, if you didn’t get to it with your spring cleaning.
  • Curtains and rugs: Take down any curtains, gather any throw rugs, and give them a good washing. Because it’s still warm out, you can let them dry outside. 
  • Carpets and floors: Clean your carpets. Remember all that dust, pollen and other pollutants? Your carpets can gather all kinds of contaminants, including mold. Give your carpets a thorough cleaning so your family isn’t cooped up all winter with those pesky allergens. Sweep and mop behind furniture, the refrigerator, and other places you don’t normally hit with your routine cleaning.
  • Doors and frames: Dust and clean high-up places like the tops of door and window frames. Use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to wipe doors and door frames. These small ledges accumulate the same dust and grime as your ceiling fan, so step-up and get them nice and clean so your family can breathe easier. 

When It Gets To Be Too Much,
Call The Maids

Spring, summer, or any other time of year, The Maids has you covered with our seasonal cleaning services. We clean all those nooks and crannies that are often forgotten or missed for a clean you’ll remember.

From carpet maintenance to window washing, we offer specialty services to help out with your late summer cleaning projects. Request an estimate today.

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