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How to Clean
Glass Shower Doors

November 7, 2023

Glass shower doors coated with soap scum, water stains, and mildew can make your bathroom look dingy and dull—and promote the growth of mold. In most residential bathrooms, shower doors account for a good chunk of wall space and can enhance or detract from your bathroom’s looks. That’s why shower doors are designed to keep the water in the shower and add a decorative touch to the space.

When you put this handy guide to work, you’ll learn how to clean glass shower doors faster and with less work! If you haven’t cleaned them in a while, your shower doors may seem like a lost cause. But with the right cleaner and these helpful tips, you can get your shower doors looking their best.

Cleaning Glass Shower Doors Without Toxic Cleaners

Soap scum, grime, mildew, and even the water from your shower contribute to dirty and dingy shower doors. Add in the mold that can grow in the shower door frame, and it’s easy to see why frequent shower cleaning is a necessity. When you know how to clean glass shower doors like a pro, your shower and bathroom will look and feel healthier.

There are plenty of commercial cleaners with strong chemicals that remove mold, mildew, and soap residue. But there are also eco-friendly and healthy cleaners for cleaning glass shower doors that can work just as well. Before you attack scum and grime with harsh, industrial-strength cleaners, try some safe, natural, and more accessible methods. Not only will your shower doors be nice and clean, but you’ll also avoid toxic chemicals and vapors that can harm you and your family.

Natural and Safe Solutions for Cleaning Glass Shower Doors

For light buildup on glass shower doors, moisten dryer sheets and use them to cut through soap scum and other buildup. Mr. Clean® Magic Erasers also work well for removing grime and residue from your shower doors, tile, and most bathroom surfaces.

Lemon Juice

For an all-natural DIY shower glass cleaner for dirt and grime, try lemon juice. It may not have the acidic cutting power of vinegar, but it smells better and still cleans well. Mixing up your homemade shower door cleaner couldn’t be simpler, whether you use fresh lemons or bottled lemon juice.

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  • Combine three tablespoons of lemon juice and one cup of water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray your glass shower doors and the frame thoroughly and let the mixture break down the scum and stains for five minutes.
  • Wipe everything with a clean sponge, then dry and buff the glass and frame with a microfiber cloth.

Distilled White Vinegar

For tougher buildup and stains, you may need something stronger. Boost your cleaning power by using distilled white vinegar instead of lemon juice. Powerful, safe, and budget-friendly, distilled white vinegar is a natural sanitizer, deodorizer, and shower glass cleaner.

  • Heat a half-cup of distilled white vinegar in your microwave for 30 seconds.
  • Pour the warm vinegar into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the glass shower doors and frame thoroughly and allow them to soak for five minutes.
  • Wear rubber gloves and scrub the glass and frame with a non-abrasive soft bristle brush.
  • Rinse everything with warm water.
  • Dry and buff the glass and frame with a microfiber cloth.

Baking Soda and White Vinegar

If you haven’t cleaned your glass shower doors in a while, more cleaning power from baking soda can help remove the layers of buildup. If the pungent odor of vinegar is too much for you, turn on the bathroom fan and open any windows. The aroma will go away on its own, but you can always add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to help things along.

  • Pour a half-cup of baking soda into a plastic container and pour in just enough white vinegar while mixing the ingredients to create a thick paste.
  • You’ll immediately see fizzing; once that stops, take a non-abrasive scrubber and scoop up some paste.
  • Wipe the paste on the shower door glass and frame and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Scrub everything thoroughly and rinse off the residue with warm water.
  • Dry the glass and frame and buff them to a sparkling shine with a microfiber cloth.

Steam-Powered Squeegee!

One of the best ways to clean glass shower doors is by using an inexpensive handheld steamer with a squeegee attachment. If you use distilled water and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, you can have brilliantly clear shower doors in no time.

  • Pre-treat the shower door with one of the natural cleaners from above while the steamer heaters up. Make sure you don’t let overspray get on materials around the glass, especially when using vinegar.
  • Turn the shower to hot and let it flow for a few minutes with the shower door closed to warm the glass and soften the residue.
  • When the steamer is hot enough, work from the top down and squeegee away the soap scum and other residue.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the rubber blade as needed for a streak-free finish.
  • Use a razor blade scraper to remove stuck-on grime, being careful not to scratch the glass.
  • Wipe down the shower door glass and frame with a dry microfiber cloth to give everything a shine.

An inexpensive handheld steam cleaner is ideal for melting away the dingy residue on shower doors and much more. You can clean toilets, floors, mirrors, vanity tops, and the rest of the bathroom using the power of steam, too. Plus, steam also disinfects as it cleans. The high temperatures kill bacteria and viruses and loosen dirt, while the moisture naturally dissolves the grime.

How to Clean Glass Shower Door Tracks

The shower door tracks are designed to let water drain out, but if they’re not kept clean, the drain holes can clog. The backed-up water is full of germs and soap residue—the perfect conditions for mold, mildew, and odors to move in and take over. Here’s how to clean a glass shower door track and keep it that way:

  • If the drain holes are clogged, clear them with a piece of wire or pipe cleaner.
  • Plug the drain holes with pieces of a paper towel.
  • Fill the track with distilled white vinegar and let sit overnight.
  • In the morning, use paper towels to soak up the vinegar.
  • Use an old toothbrush to scrub any stains and loosen debris.
  • Take the paper towel out of the drain holes and rinse the track with warm water.
  • Periodically check the tracks and make sure the drain holes are clear to keep moisture and buildup to a minimum.

Using vinegar as a natural shower glass cleaner is safe for shower door glass, aluminum tracks, and shower hardware as long as you don’t let it sit too long. Spray out the tracks every few weeks using vinegar and rinse them with hot water to make your shower a healthier place.

How to Keep Glass Shower Doors Clean and Shiny

Shower door maintenance is often missing from even the most comprehensive cleaning checklist. Shower doors and curtains should be cleaned and disinfected at least weekly. Cleaning glass shower doors weekly and deep cleaning the rest of the bathroom biweekly will keep germs and dirt at bay.

All you need to keep your glass shower doors and your shower clean is a small squeegee, a microfiber towel, and one of the natural cleaning methods from above.

  • Keep a squeegee in the shower and wipe away water and residue from the glass shower doors and the shower walls before exiting.
  • Wipe off the squeegee and excess moisture on the walls and shower door with a microfiber cloth.
  • Complete your routine by spraying your homemade shower cleaner on the doors and frame.
  • Keep moisture under control by always keeping your glass shower doors open when you’re not showering.

To manage moisture and prevent mold around the bathroom, always wipe up water on the bathroom floor and don’t let wet towels linger for too long. Keeping the exhaust fan running and opening a window for a few minutes after bathing or showering will help minimize moisture, too.

PRO TIP: Ever wonder how hotels keep their glass shower doors so sparkling clean?
While the cleaning staff gets the bathrooms clean between guests, a water softener is the secret ingredient that makes the shower doors stay cleaner longer. Hotels install water softeners in the showerheads and sink faucets to avoid stains from hard water deposits.

The Easiest Way to Learn How to Clean Glass Shower Doors

We hope these tips for cleaning your glass shower doors help create a more beautiful and healthy bathroom more often. Check out our other handy housekeeping guides to make housework easier and more manageable. And when you’re ready to see what The Maids® can do for your home, personalized cleaning quote for the healthiest residential cleaning services. Whether you do it yourself or let us handle the dirty work, The Maids wants everyone to enjoy a clean home more often with less work.

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