When you choose The Maids house cleaning in Homer Glen, you get a superior clean you can see, feel, and smell. Don’t just take our word for it, 96% of customers are so satisfied with The Maids that they recommend us to their friends and neighbors. Plus, your clean team in Homer Glen follows the 22-Step Cleaning Process to get your home clean and healthy, from top to bottom.
Your professional cleaning team disinfects commonly touched areas like light switches, cabinet pulls, and door handles to prevent the spread of germs. Specializing in cleaning for health, they rely on commercial-grade vacuums with HEPA filtration to remove up to 99% of pollen, contaminants, and other allergens so your family can breathe easier.
Did you know The Maids is the only house cleaning service hand-selected and certified by Mr. Clean®? Partner with Mr. Clean and The Maids and watch our professional cleaning team transform your home.